Perhaps to escape the hottest summer in 42 years, our London-based product team has been hard at work building awesome new features. Here’s a breakdown.

Know your colleagues, build connections

Know your colleagues, build connections

Workplace Profiles are the place to go to connect with and learn more about your colleagues. We’ve added a bunch of new features to make Workplace the central directory for your organization. Check out our blog post for more information.

Group management made easy

Group management made easy

People Sets provide the ability for Workplace admins to segment your Workplace community depending on the various needs of people in your organization.

For example, if you were part of a hospital network. You could create a set that includes all the doctors in your New York City hospital based on the parameters of ‘job title’ and ‘location’ information in their profiles.

You can then map a people set and add it to specific groups. So you could add all ‘Marketing Managers’ in London to the London Marketing Managers and Global Marketing Updates Workplace Groups.

This means you can manage and organize all your groups directly from the Admin Panel fast.

We plan to introduce a lot more like this. Things like filtering reports and giving access to certain Workplace features based on people sets. We’ll keep you posted!

Teams & Project groups now have synced chat

Teams & Project groups now have synced chat

Coworkers on Workplace often use a mix of chat and Teams & Projects groups to collaborate and work together. However, until now Teams & Projects groups were separate from chat. This meant that groups on Workplace had to recreate their groups on chat.

No more! We’ve launched a test for a feature that will automatically create a chat group for existing Teams & Projects groups.

We believe that chatting real-time in these groups make it even easier for teams to work together by making it simple for coworkers to stay in touch throughout the day.

Collaborate with other communities without sacrificing visibility

Collaborate with other communities without sacrificing visibility

Groups are the core way people collaborate on Workplace. And multi-company groups allow you to collaborate with people at other companies who also use Workplace.

We rolled out a new feature that now gives admins visibility into user membership for multi-company groups. Admins can see which employees are in any given multi-company group directly from the “Groups” tab in the admin panel.

Plan ahead with drafted posts

Plan ahead with drafted posts

You can now save a group post as a draft so you can edit and post it at a later time. To save a post as a draft, click the arrow next to the ‘Post’ button and select ‘Save as Draft’.

To find a draft post, go to the group, choose ‘Discussion’, and Workplace will list your drafts at the top.

Your data at your fingertips

Your data at your fingertips

It is now possible for people in organizations to download a copy of their Workplace data such as profile information, posts or chat messages. Admins can enable this feature in the Admin Panel under Preferences.

A powerful integration with Zoom

A powerful integration with Zoom

It was great to launch our new Integrations Directory earlier this year. And if you use Zoom for video calling you can now use the Zoom chatbot integration to start an instant meeting or join a scheduled meeting directly from Workplace.

And when your meeting is over, Zoom will send your chat group a link to the meeting summary and recording.

Workplace and the other tools you use every day are #BetterTogether

Workplace and the other tools you use every day are #BetterTogether

Or perhaps you want to give your team the option to tune into a presentation? Try Live on Workplace to stream Zoom meetings to any group. Take a look at this helpful install guide to learn more.

Another example of how Workplace integrations with the other tools that you use every day are #BetterTogether.

Workplace for Good

Workplace for Good

And finally, this month we also announced the launch of Workplace for Good. We’re giving Workplace Premium free to nonprofits and staff at educational institutions globally so people can build meaningful communities and create change around the world.

Already using Workplace? Keep up to date on everything that is launching by joining the Workplace by Facebook Product Announcements group. And we’ll see you for the August update at the end of the month.

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