With over 3000 employees dispersed across 50 locations, effective communication was a challenge.

In fact, the HOYTS leadership team were so keen to engage with people they set up a task team to find the solution that would connect an entire organization.

That solution was Workplace. Watch the video to learn why.

Why did HOYTS choose Workplace?

Why did HOYTS choose Workplace?

“We’d identified that we needed to be better at communicating,” says Damian. “We wanted to hear more from the staff – from the bottom to the top”

We wanted to hear more from the staff – from the bottom to the top

We wanted to hear more from the staff – from the bottom to the top

After seeing Workplace in action at another publicly listed company, Damian had an idea that Workplace could be the answer.

“What I liked about it was that so many of our employees are under 25. So they knew how to use Facebook already.”

And it was this familiarity that made deployment across the business easy. “It wasn’t a program we had to introduce and then do a lot of training. It was very, very easy to implement.”

Workplace was very, very easy to implement

Workplace was very, very easy to implement

What impact is using Workplace having at HOYTS?

What impact is using Workplace having at HOYTS?

What we found is that staff really wanted to know more of the context of what they are doing every day,” explains Damian.

And Workplace is helping to give them that insight. “It’s incredible how successful it’s been in just 4 months.”

One of the key successes is at the senior level. “We’re pleased by the way our senior leaders are using it to communicate really important strategic things about the direction of the business,” Damian says.

Our senior leaders are using it to communicate really important strategic things

Our senior leaders are using it to communicate really important strategic things

Two-way not top-down

Two-way not top-down

But it’s reciprocal and bottom-up communication that’s standing out. Staff in the cinema’s across 50 locations can easily connect to the company conversation.

They can share updates, ideas, and news from their locations and see them circulate around the business. “Workplace gives us a great format to celebrate broadly.”

Workplace gives us a great format to celebrate broadly

Workplace gives us a great format to celebrate broadly

Just the beginning

Just the beginning

It’s early days for the HOYTS deployment but the signal is ‘very, very positive.’ Damian and his team are looking forward to tapping more of the huge potential of the Workplace platform.

As Damian sums up. “In a world of increasing automation and technology, the counterbalance is human communication and interaction – it’s more important now than ever. And for us, Workplace facilitates that.”

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