Our regular Q&A with the industry leaders using Workplace to transform how their organizations work.

Our regular Q&A with the industry leaders using Workplace to transform how their organizations work.

We meet the business leaders who are helping shape the future of work. We ask them to tell us about their Workplace launch. We share examples of how the platform is helping them find new ways of working. And we gain real-life insights into the Workplace experience…

This month we meet Fabián Kon, CEO of Banco Galicia – one of the largest private sector banks in the Argentine financial system and a leading financial services provider in the country.

As a universal bank, Banco Galicia offers, through affiliated companies and a variety of distribution channels, a full spectrum of financial services.

It has over 4.2 million customers, both individual and corporate.

1. Why did you choose Workplace?

1. Why did you choose Workplace?

As a national bank with over 6,000 employees, communication is critical at Galicia. “We were looking for a platform that would enable us to work in a way that better reflected the bank’s values: trustworthy, simple, warm and agile.”

Fabián and his team had long been on the lookout for ways to transform their internal network. To find an alternative to traditional and ineffective modes of communications like newsletters and mailing lists.

As Fabián says, “In our bank, we have decided to step it up. Positive experiences and efficiency have to be what creates long-term engagement, and what defines our whole image and business strategy.” Workplace was the alternative they were looking for.

“Workplace defied the notion that information must be fully controlled and invited people to share, connect, get involved, and reach better results”

Galicia saw the potential for Workplace to be the lever that would help transform the content people create. To make it, “a more horizontal, co-operative, and unified landscape. [Workplace] was clear, simple and full of possibilities. It defied the notion that information must be fully controlled.”

Using Workplace was a way to invite staff to share, connect, and get involved. And this, Fabián believes, would be key to achieving better results in a way that align much more with Galicia’s company culture.

2. How did the launch go?

2. How did the launch go?

The launch was a pleasant surprise for Fabián and team. They had prepared for launch the previous Friday by sending out their last corporate email. “From then on,” says Fabián, “it would be Workplace. Our goal was to reach 80% adoption in the first month since implementation. But when the numbers came in, we saw we had reached 93% adoption!”

“It tripled the number of views we ever had in any of our former channels”

Fabián is really pleased with the results. 82% of Galicia staff have been logging into Workplace every day. “It was a huge success. It tripled the number of views we ever had in any of our former channels.”

3. How has it changed the way you work?

3. How has it changed the way you work?

Better strategic insight

By using Workplace, Fabián so far identifies 2 major successful themes. The first is better strategic insight. “Workplace allows for segmentation with no need for alternate channels. It provides direct and instant feedback, and it gives us a better view of our impact via real-time analytics.”

For example, teams out in the field dealing with clients have used Workplace Groups to share real-time feedback with the rest of the organization. “They can now tell us straight, no focus groups or long meetings in between. We get daily details that can be easily worked out. This greatly improves our customer experience and helps us redesign our process.”

“We’re rapidly learning how to make the most of it. It’s an extra boost for our expanding business strategy.”

Transformational communication and collaboration

The 2nd is a significant transformation in the way people join together and work smarter. There is now much greater transparency across the entire organization from top to bottom. “People share more. They get involved with co-workers who don’t share the same space. People get to know more about their leaders and higher ranks.”

The interaction with the platform was so high that people created over 1,000 work and project groups in the first semester. This helped to drive better collaboration at team and group level and also allowed people to define the very way they communicate.

“Using Workplace has transformed the way we speak to each other into a more informal, fast, yet reliable manner. It creates positive experiences that make us a great place to work. And use the same tone we like to use to speak to our clients.”

And we can’t wait to see how Banco Galicia continues to use Workplace to transform the way they work together.

With thanks to Fabián Kon, CEO Banco Galicia.

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